Cyber Smart Pacific week 2021

Cyber Smart Pacific week 2021

On the heels of a successful Cyber Smart Pacific campaign last year, Pacific Online has the honour of partnering again with PaCSON and its members for Cyber Smart Pacific 2021.

With the theme Cyber Up Pacific, the community is invited to join four friendly robots to learn to:

  • UPSIZE passwords
  • UPGRADE to two-factor authentication
  • UPHOLD privacy and
  • UPDATE devices and apps

First launched in 2020, Cyber Smart Pacific is the cyber awareness initiative of the PaCSON, driven through the Awareness Working Group chaired by CERT VU (Vanuatu).

Cyber Smart Pacific materials are for use throughout the year and are refreshed annually as part of International Cyber Awareness Month in October. The campaign is developed collaboratively through the working group with CERT NZ proud to support the design and development of the materials and resources.

The Cyber Smart Pacific campaign focuses on four key steps that anyone and everyone can take to UP their cybersecurity. The materials are shared as template resources that can be used,reused,adapted, and remixed for local context and use. For example, some PacSON partners are using all or some of the content as part of separate domestic campaigns or initiatives.

In response to a rise in incidents over the last 12 months globally and across the Pacific region and also included in Cyber Smart Pacific Week materials this year, there is more in-depth content on ransomware for businesses and organizations available. Click to view more on this at CERT NZ or download a printable copy below.

Protecting from Ransomware Ransomware Diagram

Along with in-person and online outreach, some partners have also established local web pages:

And of course check out our own page to take action and Cyber Up at:

Additional background:

PaCSON (Pacific Cybersecurity Operational Network) is an operational network that brings together designated incident response points of contact from across the region.