Australia committed to help Vanuatu respond to cyber incidents

Australia has committed to working hand in hand to increase Vanuatu’s ability to respond to significant cyber incidents, says Johanna Weaver, Assistant Secretary Cyber Affairs Branch, DFAT.

Australia supported and engaged in the Asia Pacific regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) that was hosted for the first time in the Pacific by Vanuatu.


Busy six months ends in CERT Vanuatu launch

The past six months have been particularly busy for cybersecurity activities in the Pacific, culminating in the launch of Vanuatu’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT VU) three weeks ago.

Vanuatu is the third economy in the Pacific to launch a national CERT following the lead of Papua New Guinea (2018) and Tonga (2016). APNIC has played a role in establishing each of the three CERTs, providing assistance on strategy development and training to those involved in setting up and running them.


Vanuatu’s Computer Emergency Response Team Launched

Vanuatu is the third country in the Pacific to launch its Computer Emergency Response Team.

The Government of Vanuatu through the Prime Minister’s office has officially launched Vanuatu’s National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) this week at the Ramada Resort.